Kitchen Overhaul

Not only did Kim Bader guide me through a kitchen organization makeover, she taught me a step by step process that I plan to continue to use throughout my house. When our time was up I wasn’t ready for her to leave. I wanted to take her into every room in my house! She was able to transform my kitchen into a functional, time-saving, and enjoyable space again. 

My husband and I had recently remodeled our home and had settled into our new kitchen nicely, yet I felt I was short on cabinet and storage space. I could close my cabinets and the kitchen looked pretty but behind those doors the story was quite different. Putting away dishes was a morning challenge of Tetris. I was frustrated with my children’s favorite cups, pots, pans, lids, tupperware, bakeware, appliances, and those awkward but useful kitchen gadgets I’ve acquired along the way (I’m looking at you, zucchini noodle maker). I found myself questioning the name of the corner cabinet “lazy susan” when the “lazy susan” often felt like it took maximum effort to grab or place anything into that space!

Kim readily responded to my plea for help.  As Kim guided me it became increasingly clear that I had plenty of space, I just wasn’t using it to its capacity.  When she finished I was left with one empty drawer and an empty kitchen cabinet! As a bonus she peaked into our mudroom and waved her magic wand that wowed my three teenage boys. They exclaimed, “Whoa, that’s cool! Now I’ll charge my Chromebook here,” and my favorite, “Can I put my shoes on that rack too?” Suddenly putting away shoes had a ring of privilege to it.

Kim was able to dissect my kitchen cabinets with integrity and grace. She has a gift of vision, creativity, and effortlessly knows how to maximize space and efficiency. She tailored my kitchen to my wants and needs while including every single family member (all seven of us). She helped create a kitchen that felt brand new all over again.